Allergy, Ear Infections, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
Several people suffer from ear pain when airplanes are climbing or descending. This is caused by fast changes in altitude and air pressure. It stresses the eardrum and other tissues in the middle of the ear and causes them to become unbalanced. This is called airplane...
Allergy, Ear Infections, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
The ear is a sensory organ and is one of the most sensitive body parts. A common ear infection is swimmer’s ear, which can be diagnosed in three categories; mild, moderate, and advanced stages. Swimmer’s ear is normally caused by bacteria found in water...
Ear Infections, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
The signs of hearing loss can happen slowly over time or can be significant and happen suddenly. There are several signs that you can look for that indicate hearing loss. You should suspect hearing loss if you experience any of these signs: have trouble hearing in...
Ear Infections, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
Hearing is one of the five senses. It is a complex process of picking up sound and attaching meaning to it. Having the ability to hear is important in understanding the world around us. The anatomy of our hearing system can be divided into four components. These...