Dizzness, Ear Infections, Hearing Aids
Ear pain or aches usually only affect one ear, but can occasionally happen in both. Pain can be caused by inflammation or infections in the inner or middle ear. These aches can be caused by several things like ear infections, earwax blockage or swimmers ear. If water...
Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
It is inevitable. Getting older is a symptom of being human. According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), 28.8 million Americans between the ages of 20-69 could benefit from a hearing aid. One out of three people between...
Allergy, Dizzness, Ear Infections, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
Many people experience difficulty hearing or loss of hearing at some point in their life. Hearing loss can cause difficulty communicating in social situations, at school, at work, or at home, and it may contribute to isolation and a decline in quality of life. Hearing...