Allergy, Ear Infections, Hearing Loss
Ear infections can involve either the middle ear, or the ear canal, and both can cause pain, fever, drainage, and changes in hearing. Ear infections are more common in children than in adults. Middle ear infection (otitis media) can occur in both children and adults,...
Dizzness, Ear Infections, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be caused by many different causes. Age, disease, and injury generally contribute to the inability to hear. Repeated exposure to loud noise over time can damage the delicate structures of the ear, and ultimately, the ability to hear. Family history,...
Allergy, Ear Infections, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss
Itchy ears can stem from a number of situations: Dry skin If your ears don’t produce enough wax, your ear skin can become dry and itchy. You may even notice flaking skin coming from the ear. Ear canal dermatitis This is when the skin in and around the ear canal...