During normal hearing, sound waves travel through the ear canal and strike the eardrum causing it to vibrate. The eardrum is attached to three tiny bones in the middle ear. The last bone, the stapes, pushes on a fluid-filled chamber in the inner ear, called the cochlea. The fluid movement causes sensitive hair cells within the cochlea to bend. When the hair cells bend, they generate an electrical signal that is sent to the brain. Age, disease, injury, or repeated exposure to loud noise can damage the various structures of the ear and interfere with one’s ability to hear.

Shea Clinic Can Help!
Shea Clinic Ear Nose & Throat is world renowned for its otologic expertise, but we are also a full service Ear, Nose and Throat clinic. Whether it’s a minor ear infection, a serious case of dizziness, ringing in your ears, hearing loss, chronic sinus problems and allergies, or a need for facial cosmetic surgery, the Shea Clinic Ear Nose & Throat doctors can help. Give us a call at 1-800-477-SHEA and let our specialists help you or your loved one.