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Shea Clinic Introduces New Treatment Option for Fall Allergies

Fall allergy season is right around the corner. If you have nasal symptoms (such as stuffiness, drainage, itching, or sneezing) or eye symptoms (such as itching or watering), you may be a candidate for the newest allergy treatment option for Ragweed allergy or “hay fever”. The name of the treatment is Ragwitek, a tablet that you take daily at home by dissolving it under your tongue. Starting the treatment now before the season starts and your symptoms become a problem will help minimize the inconvenience and suffering when the weeds start pollenating. If you have already been allergy tested and know that you have this allergy, please make an appointment to see us soon because the first dose must be given in the office.

If you have not been allergy tested yet, Terrye Mastin, APRN, BC of the Shea Clinic is here to serve your needs. You must be off of oral antihistamines for a week before testing. If you are on a beta-blocker, which is a certain kind of blood pressure/heart medicine, you will need to have a blood test to determine your allergies. If you are interested in knowing if this treatment option is for you, please give us a call and make an appointment with Terrye to be seen for an evaluation. Even if this is not appropriate for you, we can still get you on a treatment regimen that will minimize your allergy and sinus symptoms. Our goal is to have you enjoy the beautiful Fall season without worrisome allergy symptoms. Shea Clinic is a full service ENT clinic, offering state-of-the-art treatment for all of your ear, nose and throat needs.

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