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Smoking Cessation: Part 2

Quitting tobacco is not easy. It is both an addiction and a habit. It can also be a social issue. It gives you a break. And we all need breaks! Inhaling the nicotine into the lungs gets the effects to your brain even faster than giving a medication into your veins. You may have to quit many times before you quit for good. Don’t feel bad about that. Just keep quitting! Just because you smoked one, it doesn’t mean you have to smoke another one and lose all the ground you have gained. Quit again. And again. Quit as many times as it takes for you to become a former smoker! Don’t be so hard on yourself – most people quit 4 or more times before they quit for good.

Talking you your healthcare provider is a big step in your quitting efforts. Strategies to help you quit are many. It often takes more than “will power” to quit tobacco. Over-the-counter aids include gum, patches, lozenges, and now the “e-cigs” that are available with and without nicotine. There nicotine and non-nicotine prescription pills, nasal inhalers, and oral inhalers that provide help as well. Some people do well “cold turkey”. Others do better if they wean themselves off. The best way to quit is the one that will be the best for YOU. Talking to a friend or family member helps; a support system is a great way to stay tobacco-free!

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