Spring allergy season is upon us in a big way. In the Southeast, the daily pollen counts (trees are blooming now) have been in the High to Moderately High ranges for several weeks now. Soon everyone’s car and patio furniture will be yellow!
Summer (grasses) and Fall (weeds) allergy seasons are just around the corner.
People who suffer from allergic rhinitis have a host of symptoms.
- Itching
- Sneezing
- Nasal congestion (sometimes this makes snoring worse, too)
- Eye symptoms – itching and watering
- Oral symptoms – the roof of the mouth itching, post nasal drainage
- Aural symptoms – ears itching, ear infections, earaches, and sometimes worsening of dizzy symptoms
- Fatigue
- Sinus infections
- Headaches
- Runny nose
- Poor sleep quality
- Interference in being able to participate in outdoor activities
It may seem odd to think about allergies before their season, but now is the time to schedule an allergy appointment. We have many ways to lessen the burden of “hayfever”, including a new therapy option for Summer and Fall allergies that must be started 12-16 weeks before the season starts to be effective. Call (901) 761-9720 for an allergy appointment. You can talk to the allergy Nurse Practitioner, Terrye T. Mastin, APRN, BC, if you have any questions.
[If you need to be allergy tested (or re-tested if your issues have changed), please make sure that you have not had an antihistamine, meclizine, or Phenergan for a week to 10 days before the appointment, as these medicines will interfere with the allergy test.]
The new therapy option does not involve shots or injections. However, if you need or prefer the shots, we offer that option as well. Nose sprays and pills treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, but the shots and the new tablets actually change the way your body responds to the offending allergies. They are called immunotherapy and they address the root cause of the symptoms, providing effective and long-lasting relief for many of those that suffer from allergies and diminishing the need for sprays and pills. Shea Clinic is actually the first practice in Memphis to offer this new approach to allergic rhinitis. People who are on this medication are seeing excellent results.
Allergy Announcement
Terrye T. Mastin, APRN, BC

Terrye is a native Memphian. She received her BS in Microbiology from Memphis State University (U of M), her BS in Nursing from the University of Tennessee College of Nursing, and her Masters of Science in Nursing from Arkansas State University. Her career focus began as helping patients with allergy and asthma issues and has expanded to include those with a variety of ear, nose and throat issues. She has been a member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology since 2000, and serves on their CME committee. She has published articles in peer-review journals and has lectured locally and nationally on the topics of asthma and allergic diseases. Terrye has received several professional awards including being the first recipient of the Grace Whitis Service Award at ASU and the American Lung Association of Tennessee Citizenship Award. She is currently active as a volunteer in the community through her church, with the Parent Project Muscular Distrophy, and as a team leader for the Not One More Life Memphis Chapter.
Shea Clinic Ear Nose & Throat
Our Location
6133 Poplar Pike
Memphis, TN 38119