Are you traveling this summer?
Summer is a wonderful time to travel, but when you have hearing aids, sometimes this can be a frustrating time too. Making reservations, understanding public announcements, and using the telephone can be difficult. Here are a few suggestions that should make your travels easier and more enjoyable.
Traveling accommodations
- Let the reservation agent know you have a hearing loss.
- Repeat the information so the agent can confirm the details.
- Book a hotel room that accommodates the hearing impaired.
- Most hotels and cruise ships provide assistive devices, such as amplified telephones and alerting devices for smoke and fire alarms.
- Ask for written confirmation to be mailed, emailed or faxed to you.
- Look for the video screens that post information on gates and departure times.
- If you’re concerned about hearing announcements, let the agent at the boarding gate know you have a hearing loss.
- Most public telephones are hearing aid-compatible. It’s still a good idea to carry a portable amplifier or be sure to have a good cell phone with you.
- Let someone at the front desk know you have a hearing loss in case of emergency.
Your hearing aids
Here are a few easy tips to protect your hearing aid from the sun and heat throughout the summer
- Carry extra tubes and batteries
- Avoid extreme temperatures and don’t leave your hearing aid under direct sunlight or in high temperatures, summer heat can damage your hearing aids.
- Pack a dri-aid kit or other durable containers to protect your hearing aids.
Make an appointment with Shea Hearing Aid Center at (901) 881-2172 for a preventive check-up on your hearing aids so they’re in good condition for your trip. The more prepared you are the less you have to worry about and can enjoy the trip, Shea clinic Memphis wishes you a happy summer!