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Winter Allergies

Allergies can be triggered by several factors. Seasonal changes in the weather are commonly known to cause people to suffer from symptoms like headaches, irritated eyes and a runny nose. Wintertime weather can bring cold, dry air causing people to suffer from colds, sinusitis and other allergic reactions.

Some common symptoms of sinus issues can include runny nose, skin irritation, and soreness around the nose, watery or itchy eyes, fullness in the ears, and chest congestion. Achy pains in the face along the cheekbone and body aches are also common.

Here are a few simple tips you can follow to help keep yourself healthy this winter.

Good Hygiene

Prevent catching a cold with good hygiene! Think of how many different surfaces we all touch every day, like doorknobs, computers, and money. Always wash your hands after using the restroom, before eating and don’t share food or drink with other people, as they may have germs. It may also be recommended to have access to hand sanitizer, whether on your work desk or a travel size in your car. Wash and sanitize hands frequently. Using anti-bacterial soaps to wash hands and body in the shower is best for killing the majority of germs.


Taking hot showers is a helpful way to open up your chest. If you feel congested or tight, close the bathroom door and let hot water run for a few moments and until steam builds up. Take deep breaths. This can also help clear out other allergens and mucus throughout the body. Standing under the hot water and inhaling the steam can also help.

Nasal Spray

As the seasons change, we are more likely to encounter extreme changes in air temperature. As we go in and out of our homes, jobs, and stores, we feel cold air outside and warm air inside. Investing in nasal spray is a good idea. Nasal sprays can be purchased over the counter at drug and corner stores. These open up the nasal passages and rid of mucus build-up. Flushing out your nose with lukewarm salt water can also be helpful.

Air Filters

Air filters inside the home are suggested to be changed at least every 6 months. Dander, pollen, and other air pollutants are caught in the air filter to make sure the air filtered through the house is okay for us to inhale. Keep in mind there are other factors that play a role in determining how often to switch filters, like the size of the house and whether or not you have pets. Some homes may need to be changed more often than 6 months. Be aware of your filters, as this can help prevent sinus issues throughout the season changes.


It is recommended to drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day. Other than hydration, water intake is vital for the body as it flushes out toxins, helps regulate body temperature, and is essential for the function of our organs and tissues. Wintertime air can be cold and dry and dry out the throat. Warm and hot liquids, like hot tea, are good for soothing a sore throat as well as providing nutrients. Hydrating yourself in the winter months can help boost the immune system and prevent infection.

Shea Clinic is a full-service ENT clinic offering state-of-the-art treatment for all of your ear, nose, and throat needs. We specialize in treating nasal and sinus conditions and providing allergy care. You can contact Shea Clinic here or call us at 901-761-9720.

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